CERN, C++ real-time / embedded


Mój znajomy szuka ;)

CERN is looking for a C++ programmer!

The BE-CO-HT section at CERN [1] is looking for a talented C++ programmer.

We are a team of 15 engineers, working on data acquisition systems (such as [2]), synchronization systems (such as the White Rabbit project [3]) and hard-realtime embedded software. We also actively contribute to a number of Free/Open Source Software projects.

You will work in our team on KiCad [4], a Free/Open Source suite for the design of electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit boards.
Ideally, you should have the following competencies:

  • Experience in multi-platform C++ programming (Windows/Linux/OSX).
  • Experience in OpenGL and GUI toolkits (preferably wxWidgets).
  • Experience with Git, CMake, valgrind and similar tools.
  • Basic knowledge of PCB design.
  • Knowledge of Python will be an advantage.

Students are particularly welcome - there's a possibility to do a part of the work assignments as a Master of Science project/thesis.

If you feel like working next to the Large Hadron Collider, with a multinational team of cool people, send us an e-mail: tomasz dot wlostowski at cern dot ch.

Contract conditions available upon request.



Wchodziłbym w ciemno... ale raczej za dobry jestem aby pracować na dłuższą metę z... dzieciakami, co tu dużo gadać.


Ja tam chciałabym pracować


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