Zmarł John McAfee


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Może na reszcie jego góówno przestanie włazić drzwiami i oknami na każdy komputer?
Jak podliczyłem spędziłem już w sumie około 300 godzin na pozbycie się McAfee z komputerów nad którymi sprawuję opiekę.
Przy czym tego gówna nie da się odinstalować drogą normalną.
Mam nadzieje że trafi do piekła.


John McAfee pozbył się udziałów w firmie tworzącej jego antywirusa w 1994 roku. Jeśli narzekasz na wersje McAfee późniejsze niż z 1994 roku, to zażalenia kieruj nie do niego.

McAfee Associates
In 1987, McAfee founded McAfee Associates Inc., which sold his program, the first anti-virus software to market.[18] Initially he was not expecting users to pay much for this, but rather wanted to make people aware of the need to be protected from computer viruses. Though by making people scared of such malware, he managed to generate millions of sales, and by 1990 he was making five million dollars a year.[17] The company was incorporated in Delaware in 1992, and had its initial public offering the same year. In August 1993, John McAfee stepped down as chief executive but remained with the company as the chief technical officer. He was succeeded by Bill Larson.[21] In 1994, he sold his remaining stake in the company.[22] He had no further involvement in its operations.[6]

After various mergers and ownership changes, Intel acquired McAfee in August 2010.[23] In January 2014, Intel announced that McAfee-related products would be marketed as Intel Security. McAfee expressed his pleasure at the name change, saying, "I am now everlastingly grateful to Intel for freeing me from this terrible association with the worst software on the planet."[24] The business was soon demerged, once more under the McAfee name.


McAfee nie tylko sprzedał firmę ale nawet nagrał film na temat antywirusa


w tym filmiku powyżej John McAfee powiedział (transkrypcja automatyczna):

00:01 oh hello there my name is
00:12 shawn mcafee I'm the founder of the
00:15 McAfee Antivirus software company
00:17 although I've had nothing to do with
00:19 this company for over 15 years I still
00:21 get the volumes of mail asking how do I
00:24 uninstall this software I have no idea
03:38 you know something went wrong 15 years
03:40 ago I had some beautiful software and
03:42 they took it over I don't know what they
03:43 did

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