My first JavaScript android game with Phaser


want to share with you my first android game. It is called CircleRisk. It has been written in JavaScript using Phaser 2.

What would you change and what could i do better? Please give your's opinion. Thanks


First of all, I would like to change the language of your post. In case you missed it, we live in Poland, this is Polish forum, your name sounds very Polish and your ISP is also Polish ( so I really don't get, why you used English. And believe me, that doesn't make you look more professional or international :P

And by the way, if you want to use foreign language, please make sure that you know how to use and at least check your message (or ask somebody else to do it for you) before posting. your's opinion - really? ;)


Especially, that in your other posts you use polish language :D

"...jeżyk w JavaScript" :D :D :D


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