Uruchomienie projektu eclipse


Witam, jestem totalnym laikiem jeśli chodzi o java. Potrzebuję uruchomić owy fragment kodu :


/* ------------------
   usage: java Server [RTSP listening port]
   ---------------------- */

import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.Timer;

public class Server extends JFrame implements ActionListener {

  //RTP variables:
  DatagramSocket RTPsocket; //socket to be used to send and receive UDP packets
  DatagramPacket senddp; //UDP packet containing the video frames

  InetAddress ClientIPAddr; //Client IP address
  int RTP_dest_port = 0; //destination port for RTP packets  (given by the RTSP Client)

  JLabel label;

  //Video variables:
  int imagenb = 0; //image nb of the image currently transmitted
  VideoStream video; //VideoStream object used to access video frames
  static int MJPEG_TYPE = 26; //RTP payload type for MJPEG video
  static int FRAME_PERIOD = 100; //Frame period of the video to stream, in ms
  static int VIDEO_LENGTH = 500; //length of the video in frames

  Timer timer; //timer used to send the images at the video frame rate
  byte[] buf; //buffer used to store the images to send to the client 

  //RTSP variables
  //rtsp states
  final static int INIT = 0;
  final static int READY = 1;
  final static int PLAYING = 2;
  //rtsp message types
  final static int SETUP = 3;
  final static int PLAY = 4;
  final static int PAUSE = 5;
  final static int TEARDOWN = 6;

  static int state; //RTSP Server state == INIT or READY or PLAY
  Socket RTSPsocket; //socket used to send/receive RTSP messages
  //input and output stream filters
  static BufferedReader RTSPBufferedReader;
  static BufferedWriter RTSPBufferedWriter;
  static String VideoFileName; //video file requested from the client
  static int RTSP_ID = 123456; //ID of the RTSP session
  int RTSPSeqNb = 0; //Sequence number of RTSP messages within the session
  final static String CRLF = "\r\n";

  public Server(){

    //init Frame

    //init Timer
    timer = new Timer(FRAME_PERIOD, this);

    //allocate memory for the sending buffer
    buf = new byte[15000]; 

    //Handler to close the main window
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
      public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
	//stop the timer and exit

    label = new JLabel("Send frame #        ", JLabel.CENTER);
    getContentPane().add(label, BorderLayout.CENTER);
  public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception
    //create a Server object
    Server theServer = new Server();

    //show GUI:

    //get RTSP socket port from the command line
    int RTSPport = Integer.parseInt(argv[0]);
    //Initiate TCP connection with the client for the RTSP session
    ServerSocket listenSocket = new ServerSocket(RTSPport);
    theServer.RTSPsocket = listenSocket.accept();

    //Get Client IP address
    theServer.ClientIPAddr = theServer.RTSPsocket.getInetAddress();

    //Initiate RTSPstate
    state = INIT;

    //Set input and output stream filters:
    RTSPBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(theServer.RTSPsocket.getInputStream()) );
    RTSPBufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(theServer.RTSPsocket.getOutputStream()) );

    //Wait for the SETUP message from the client
    int request_type;
    boolean done = false;
	request_type = theServer.parse_RTSP_request(); //blocking
	if (request_type == SETUP)
	    done = true;

	    //update RTSP state
	    state = READY;
	    System.out.println("New RTSP state: READY");
	    //Send response
	    //init the VideoStream object:
	    theServer.video = new VideoStream(VideoFileName);

	    //init RTP socket
	    theServer.RTPsocket = new DatagramSocket();

     //loop to handle RTSP requests
	//parse the request
	request_type = theServer.parse_RTSP_request(); //blocking
	if ((request_type == PLAY) && (state == READY))
	    //send back response
	    //start timer
	    //update state
	    state = PLAYING;
	    System.out.println("New RTSP state: PLAYING");
	else if ((request_type == PAUSE) && (state == PLAYING))
	    //send back response
	    //stop timer
	    //update state
	    state = READY;
	    System.out.println("New RTSP state: READY");
	else if (request_type == TEARDOWN)
	    //send back response
	    //stop timer
	    //close sockets


  //Handler for timer
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

    //if the current image nb is less than the length of the video
    if (imagenb < VIDEO_LENGTH)
	//update current imagenb
	try {
	  //get next frame to send from the video, as well as its size
	  int image_length = video.getnextframe(buf);

	  //Builds an RTPpacket object containing the frame
	  RTPpacket rtp_packet = new RTPpacket(MJPEG_TYPE, imagenb, imagenb*FRAME_PERIOD, buf, image_length);
	  //get to total length of the full rtp packet to send
	  int packet_length = rtp_packet.getlength();

	  //retrieve the packet bitstream and store it in an array of bytes
	  byte[] packet_bits = new byte[packet_length];

	  //send the packet as a DatagramPacket over the UDP socket 
	  senddp = new DatagramPacket(packet_bits, packet_length, ClientIPAddr, RTP_dest_port);

	  //System.out.println("Send frame #"+imagenb);
	  //print the header bitstream

	  //update GUI
	  label.setText("Send frame #" + imagenb);
	catch(Exception ex)
	    System.out.println("Exception caught: "+ex);
	//if we have reached the end of the video file, stop the timer

  //Parse RTSP Request
  private int parse_RTSP_request()
    int request_type = -1;
      //parse request line and extract the request_type:
      String RequestLine = RTSPBufferedReader.readLine();
      //System.out.println("RTSP Server - Received from Client:");

      StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(RequestLine);
      String request_type_string = tokens.nextToken();

      //convert to request_type structure:
      if ((new String(request_type_string)).compareTo("SETUP") == 0)
	request_type = SETUP;
      else if ((new String(request_type_string)).compareTo("PLAY") == 0)
	request_type = PLAY;
      else if ((new String(request_type_string)).compareTo("PAUSE") == 0)
	request_type = PAUSE;
      else if ((new String(request_type_string)).compareTo("TEARDOWN") == 0)
	request_type = TEARDOWN;

      if (request_type == SETUP)
	  //extract VideoFileName from RequestLine
	  VideoFileName = tokens.nextToken();

      //parse the SeqNumLine and extract CSeq field
      String SeqNumLine = RTSPBufferedReader.readLine();
      tokens = new StringTokenizer(SeqNumLine);
      RTSPSeqNb = Integer.parseInt(tokens.nextToken());
      //get LastLine
      String LastLine = RTSPBufferedReader.readLine();

      if (request_type == SETUP)
	  //extract RTP_dest_port from LastLine
	  tokens = new StringTokenizer(LastLine);
	  for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
	    tokens.nextToken(); //skip unused stuff
	  RTP_dest_port = Integer.parseInt(tokens.nextToken());
      //else LastLine will be the SessionId line ... do not check for now.
    catch(Exception ex)
	System.out.println("Exception caught: "+ex);

  //Send RTSP Response
  private void send_RTSP_response()
      RTSPBufferedWriter.write("RTSP/1.0 200 OK"+CRLF);
      RTSPBufferedWriter.write("CSeq: "+RTSPSeqNb+CRLF);
      RTSPBufferedWriter.write("Session: "+RTSP_ID+CRLF);
      //System.out.println("RTSP Server - Sent response to Client.");
    catch(Exception ex)
	System.out.println("Exception caught: "+ex);


Tak więc uruchamiam eclipse. stworzyłem nowy projekt dodałem java file wkleiłem kod, próbuję odpalić i wyświetla się okienko dialogowe z zapytaniem czy ma to zostać uruchomione jako applet czy aplikacja. Niestety obojętnie co bym nie wybrał jest źle i wyskakuje error.


Udało mi się odpalić :) niemniej wyskakuje kilka errorów ! byłbym niezmiernie wdzięczny za pomoc !

Udało mi się wyeliminowac kilka błędów poprzez dodanie klasy Videostream


import java.io.*;

public class VideoStream {

  FileInputStream fis; //video file
  int frame_nb; //current frame nb

  public VideoStream(String filename) throws Exception{

    //init variables
    fis = new FileInputStream(filename);
    frame_nb = 0;

  // getnextframe
  //returns the next frame as an array of byte and the size of the frame
  public int getnextframe(byte[] frame) throws Exception
    int length = 0;
    String length_string;
    byte[] frame_length = new byte[5];

    //read current frame length
    //transform frame_length to integer
    length_string = new String(frame_length);
    length = Integer.parseInt(length_string);

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