Just-in-time debugging, errors


Witam, ostatnio po zainstalowaniu delphi zacza pojawiac sie blad:

Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger

An unhandled win32 exception occurred in gg.exe [2496]. Just-In-Time debugging this exception failed with the following error: No installed debugger has Just-In-Time debugging enabled. In Visual Studio, Just-In-Time debugging can be enabled from Tools/Options/Debugging/Just-In-Time.

Check the documentation index for 'Just-in-time debugging, errors' for more information.


Macie jakies sugestie co zrobic zeby sie go pozbyc?


Tak mozna. Zainstaluj AQQ albo inny komunikator. Z gg jest jak ze zdenerwowana kobieta... nie wiadomo nawet czego mozna sie spodziewac :D

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