Jak zrobić zgłaszanie błędów do autora programu


Witam, jak zrobić coś takiego ze gdy w programie wystąpi błąd, to user zobaczy komunikat napisany prze zemnie i wyskoczy mu forma na której będzie wyświetlony dokładny powód błędu oraz miejsce na własne uwagi w postaci memo i przycisk zgłoś błąd, który wysylał by na stronę poprzez formularz html błąd z uwagą. Identyczna sytuacja opisana jest tu http://visual.basic.kaem.forall.pl/?bla3
tyle że jest to w visual basicu :/
Pozdrawiam i czekam na jakieś wskazówki, a może istnieje do tego specjalny komponent?


JCL -> ErrorDialog


Też mnie to interesuje. Mógłbyś bardziej rozwinąć temat??


Też bym prosił o dokładniejszy opis. :-)


Znalazłem to:

ale nie wiem, jak to przerobić

bolek123 napisał(a)

Znalazłem to:

ale nie wiem, jak to przerobić

[glowa] ^n

Sciagnij sobie i zainstaluj.


Ściagnąłem, ale jak się z tego korzysta??


Temat też mi interesuje. Mógły ktoś dokładniej napisać jak sie posługiwać jedim??


I co, cisza?


a czego oczekujesz?? Że się tobie nie chce nawet paczki ściągnąć i zainstalować to nam się ma chcieć tłumaczyć jak 6-latkowi co ma zrobić?? Czy to taki trudne - cała procedura to ściągnąć JCL, rozpakować, uruchomić instalkę (bat'a) i zaznaczyć co się chce i może jeszcze przeczytać pobieżnie instrukcję.

Programowanie to przede wszystkim myślenie więc jak chcecie coś osiągnąć w tym fachu to zacznijcie myśleć samodzielnie!

Dla leniwych instrukcja i opis (nawet nie proście o tłumaczenie)

Debug Extension for JclDebug unit

The experts\debug folder contains an IDE expert which assists to insert
JCL Debug information into executable files. This can be useful when use
source location routines from JclDebug unit. These routines needs some
kind of special information to be able provide source location for given
address in the process. Currently there are four options to get it work:

  1. Generate and deploy MAP file with your executable file. The file
    is generated by the linker. It needs to be set in Project|Options
    dialog -> Linker page, Detailed checkbox.
  2. Generate and deploy JDBG file file with your executable file. This
    is binary file based on MAP file but its size is typically about
    12% of original MAP file. You can generate it by MapToJdbg tool in
    jcl\examples\windows\tools folder. The advantage over MAP file is
    smaller size and better security of the file content because it is
    not a plain text file and it also contains a checksum.
  3. Generate Borland TD32 debug symbols. These symbols are stored
    directly in the executable file but usually adds several megabytes
    so the file is very large. The advantage is you don't have to
    deploy any other file and it is easy to generate it by checking
    Include TD32 debug info in Linker option page.
  4. Insert JCL Debug info into executable file by the IDE expert. The
    size of added data is similar to JDBG file but it will be inserted
    directly into the executable file. This is probably best option
    because it combines small size of included data and no requirement
    of deploying additional files. In case you use this option you
    need install the JclDebugIde expert.

The IDE expert will add new item to IDE Project menu. For Delphi 5, 6
and 7 it adds 'Insert JCL Debug data' check item at the end of the
Project menu. When the item is checked, everytime the project is
compiled by one of following commands: Compile, Build, Compile All
Projects, Build All Projects or Run necessary JCL debug data are
automatically inserted into the executable. Moreover, for Build and
Build All commands dialog with detailed information of size of these
data will be displayed.

You can generate those debug data for packages and libraries as well
using the expert. Each executable file in the project can use different
option from those listed above. It is not necessary to generate any
debug data for Borland runtime packages because the source location code
can use names of exported functions to get procedure or method name. To
get line number information for Borland RTL and VCL/CLX units you have
to check Use Debug DCUs checkbox in Project|Options dialog -> Compiler
tab. Unfortunately it is not possible to get line number information for
Borland runtime packages because Borland does not provide detailed MAP
files for them so you get procedure or method name only.

In case you have more than one data source for an executable file by an
accident the best one is chosen in following order:

  1. JCL Debug data in the executable file
  2. JDBG file
  3. Borland TD32 symbols
  4. MAP file
  5. Library or Borland package exports

It is also possible to insert JCL debug data programmatically to the
executable file by using MakeJclDbg command line tool in
jcl\examples\windows\delphitools folder. You can study included
makefiles which uses this tool for building delphitools examples.

To help using JclDebug exceptional stack tracking in application simple
dialog is provided in jcl\experts\debug\dialog folder. The dialog
replaces standard dialog displayed by VCL or CLX application when an
unhandled exception occurs. It has additional Detailed button showing
the stack, list of loaded modules and other system information. By
adding the dialog to the application exceptional stack tracking code is
automatically initialized so you don't have to care about it. You can
also turn on logging to text file by setting the Tag property of the
dialog to '1'. There is also version for CLX (ClxExceptDlg) but it works
on Windows only. These dialogs are intended to be added to Object

Short description of getting the JclDebug functionality in your project:

Close all running instances of Delphi</li> Install JCL and IDE experts by the JCL Installer</li> Run Delphi IDE and open your project</li> Remove any TApplication.OnException handlers from your project (if
any).</li> Add new Exception Dialog by selecting File | New | Other ... |
Dialogs tab, Select 'Exception Dialog' or 'Exception Dialog with
Send' icon, Click OK button, Save the form (use
ExceptionDialog.pas name, for example)</li> Check Project | Insert JCL Debug data menu item</li> Do Project | Build
</li> </ol>

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