Witam , wysłana wiadomość poprzez ten formularz brak polskich znaków, w wiadomości wysłanej są :ĂłĹĹĹĹÄźş

<?php /* set the email of the recipient (your email) */ $recipient = "salon@xxxxxxxxxxx.pl"; if ( isset($_POST['submit']) ) // just send the email if the $_POST variable is set { $name = $_POST['name']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; $email = $_POST['email']; $message = $_POST['message']; $subject = "Email From Website: " . $name; // subject of the email msg $errors = array(); // empty array of the err /* * The fields * 1st param: submitted data * 2nd param: reuqired (TRUE) or not (FALSE) * 3rd param: the name for the error */ $fields = array( 'name' => array($name, TRUE, "Imię i Nazwisko"), 'phone' => array($phone, FALSE, "Numer Telefonu"), 'email' => array($email, TRUE, "E-mail"), 'message' => array($message, TRUE, "Twoja wiadomość"), ); $i=0; foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { if ( FALSE == test_field( $field[0], $field[1] ) ) { $errors[$key] = "Pole '".$field[2]."' jest wymagane."; } $i++; } //var_dump($errors); if (empty($errors)) // if there is no errors, we can send the mail { $body = ""; $body .= "----- Info about the sender -----\n\n"; $body .= "Name: ".$fields['name'][0]."\n"; $body .= "Email: ".$fields['email'][0]."\n"; $body .= "Phone: ".$fields['phone'][0]."\n"; $body .= "\n\n----- Message -----\n\n"; $body .= $fields['message'][0]; if( mail( $recipient, $subject, $body, "FROM: ".$fields['email'][0] ) ) // try to send the message, if not successful, print out the error { message_was_sent($fields); } else { echo "It is not possible to send the email. Check out your PHP settings!"; print_the_form($errors, $fields); } } else // if there are any errors { print_the_form($errors, $fields); } } else { print_the_form(); } function print_the_form($errors = array(), $fields = null) // izpiše formualar { ?>
					<!--  = contact form =  -->
					<form action="#contact-form" class="form contact" method="post" id="contact-form">
						<div class="row">
							<div class="span3">
								<div class="control-group<?php error_class('name', $errors); ?>">
									<label for="inpt-name" class="control-label">Imię i Nazwisko<span 

<input type="text" name="name" value="<?php inpt_value('name', $fields);

?>" id="inpt-name" class="span3" />
<?php show_error('name', $errors); ?>

<label for="inpt-phone" class="control-label">Numer Telefonu</label>
<input type="tel" name="phone" value="<?php inpt_value('phone',</p>

$fields); ?>" id="inpt-phone" class="span3" />
<?php show_error('phone', $errors); ?>

<label for="inpt-email" class="control-label">E-mail<span class="theme-</p>

<input type="email" name="email" value="<?php inpt_value('email',

$fields); ?>" id="inpt-email" class="span3" />
<?php show_error('email', $errors); ?>


<label for="txtarea" class="control-label">Twoja wiadomość<span</p>

<textarea name="message" rows="7" class="span9" id="txtarea"><?php

inpt_value('message', $fields); ?></textarea>
<?php show_error('message', $errors); ?>

<input type="hidden" value="1" name="submit" />
<button class="btn btn-theme no-bevel pull-right" type="submit">WYŚLIJ</button>



function message_was_sent($fields) // notification that sending the mail was successful

Wiadomość wysłana pomyślnie!



  • Returns TRUE if field is required and OK
    function test_field($content, $required) // preverja, če je obvezno polje in če je res vnešena vsebina
    if ( TRUE == $required )
    if (strlen($content)<1)
    return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
    } else
    return TRUE;


  • Add the appropirate class name to the specified input field
    function error_class($name, $errors) {
    if ( array_key_exists( $name, $errors ) ) {
    echo " error";


  • repopulate the data when the form is submitted and errors returned
    function inpt_value($name, $fields) {
    if ( null === $fields ) {
    } else {
    echo $fields[$name][0];

function show_error( $name, $errors ) {
if ( array_key_exists( $name, $errors ) )
echo '

' . $errors[$name] . '