Przykładowy program Java 3D

Przykładowy program Java 3D
  • Rejestracja:prawie 15 lat
  • Ostatnio:ponad 14 lat

Oto przykładowy program w Javie 3D, który jest dostępny wraz z tutorialem:

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Frame;


import com.sun.j3d.utils.applet.MainFrame;
import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.ColorCube;
import com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.SimpleUniverse;

// HelloJava3Da renders a single, rotating cube.

public class HelloJava3Da extends Applet {
public HelloJava3Da() {
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
Canvas3D canvas3D = new Canvas3D(null);
add("Center", canvas3D);

BranchGroup scene = createSceneGraph();

// SimpleUniverse is a Convenience Utility class
SimpleUniverse simpleU = new SimpleUniverse(canvas3D);

// This will move the ViewPlatform back a bit so the
// objects in the scene can be viewed.


} // end of HelloJava3Da (constructor)

public BranchGroup createSceneGraph() {
// Create the root of the branch graph
BranchGroup objRoot = new BranchGroup();

objRoot.addChild(new ColorCube(0.4));

return objRoot;

} // end of CreateSceneGraph method of HelloJava3Da

// The following allows this to be run as an application
// as well as an applet

public static void main(String[] args) {
Frame frame = new MainFrame(new HelloJava3Da(), 256, 256);
} // end of main (method of HelloJava3Da)

} // end of class HelloJava3Da

Kompiluje sie normalnie ale po uruchomieniu nic sie nie wyswietla i wyskakuje ClassNotFoundException. Wie ktos moze co jest tu nie tak? Z gory dzieki za pomoc ;)


było najpierw przeczytać tutorial...

  • Rejestracja:prawie 15 lat
  • Ostatnio:ponad 14 lat

Mam zamiar skonczyc czytac tutorial ale najpierw chcialem zobaczyc czy te programy w ogole mi beda dzialac, czy sciagnalem wszystkie potrzebne rzeczy itp

  • Rejestracja:ponad 16 lat
  • Ostatnio:6 miesięcy
  • Postów:167

do javy3d musisz zainstalować dodatkowe biblioteki binarne i dodać do projektu jary z j3d.
tu masz wszystkie instalki:

  • Rejestracja:prawie 15 lat
  • Ostatnio:ponad 14 lat

Tzn wydaje mi sie, ze juz mam sciagniete wszystko, bo program sie kompiluje tylko po uruchomieniu wyskakuje ClassNotFoundException

  • Rejestracja:ponad 17 lat
  • Ostatnio:ponad 2 lata

A Apache Ant Ty posiadasz na swoim blaszaku?

Another jam from the world for the jam from the voices of the world......
  • Rejestracja:prawie 15 lat
  • Ostatnio:ponad 14 lat

Yyy... Szczerze mowiac nie wiem co to jest wiec przypuszczam, ze nie posiadam ;)
A co to jest?

  • Rejestracja:ponad 17 lat
  • Ostatnio:ponad 2 lata

Hmm to takie małe coś co wspomaga budowanie aplikacji. Taki "make" w Java.

Spróbuj poniższy przykład

import java.applet.Applet;

import javax.vecmath.*;

import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.*;
import com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.*;
import com.sun.j3d.utils.image.TextureLoader;

 * This example builds a simple Java 3D application using the
 * Sun utility classes: MainFrame and SimpleUniverse.
 * The example displays a moving sphere, in front of a
 * background image. It uses a texture image and one light
 * to increase the visual impact of the scene.
public class A extends Applet
  * Create a simple Java 3D environment containing:
  * a sphere (geometry), a light,background geometry
  * with an applied texture, and a behavior that will
  * move the sphere along the X-axis.
 public A()
  // create the SimpleUniverse class that will
  // encapsulate the scene that we are building.
  // SimpleUniverse is a helper class (utility)
  // from SUN that is included with the core Java 3D
  // distribution.
  SimpleUniverse u = new SimpleUniverse();

  // create a BranchGroup. A BranchGroup is a node in
  // a Tree data structure that can have child nodes
  BranchGroup bgRoot = new BranchGroup();

  // create the Background node and add it to the SimpleUniverse
  u.addBranchGraph( createBackground() );

  // create the behaviors to move the geometry along the X-axis.
  // The behavior is added as a child of the bgRoot node.
  // Anything added as a child of the tg node will be effected by the
  // behavior (will be moved along the X-axis).
  TransformGroup tg = createBehaviors( bgRoot );

  // add the Sphere geometry as a child of the tg
  // so that it will be moved along the X-axis.
  tg.addChild( createSceneGraph() );

  // because the sphere was added at the 0,0,0 coordinate
  // and by default the viewer is also located at 0,0,0
  // we have to move the viewer back a little so that
  // she can see the scene.

  // add a light to the root BranchGroup to illuminate the scene
  addLights( bgRoot );

  // finally wire everything together by adding the root
  // BranchGroup to the SimpleUniverse
  u.addBranchGraph( bgRoot );

  * Create the geometry for the scene. In this case
  * we simply create a Sphere
  * (a built-in Java 3D primitive).
 public BranchGroup createSceneGraph()
  // create a parent BranchGroup node for the Sphere
  BranchGroup bg = new BranchGroup();

  // create an Appearance for the Sphere.
  // The Appearance object controls various rendering
  // options for the Sphere geometry.
  Appearance app = new Appearance();

  // assign a Material to the Appearance. For the Sphere
  // to respond to the light in the scene it must have a Material.
  // Assign some colors to the Material and a shininess setting
  // that controls how reflective the surface is to lighting.
  Color3f objColor = new Color3f(0.8f, 0.2f, 1.0f);
  Color3f black = new Color3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
  app.setMaterial(new Material(objColor, black, objColor, black,

  // create a Sphere with a radius of 0.1
  // and associate the Appearance that we described.
  // the option GENERATE_NORMALS is required to ensure that the
  // Sphere responds correctly to lighting.
  Sphere sphere = new Sphere( 0.1f, Primitive.GENERATE_NORMALS,
    app );

  // add the sphere to the BranchGroup to wire
  // it into the scene.
  bg.addChild( sphere );
  return bg;

  * Add a directional light to the BranchGroup.
 public void addLights( BranchGroup bg )
  // create the color for the light
  Color3f color = new Color3f( 1.0f,1.0f,0.0f );

  // create a vector that describes the direction that
  // the light is shining.
  Vector3f direction  = new Vector3f( -1.0f,-1.0f,-1.0f );

  // create the directional light with the color and direction
  DirectionalLight light = new DirectionalLight( color, direction );

  // set the volume of influence of the light.
  // Only objects within the Influencing Bounds
  // will be illuminated.
  light.setInfluencingBounds( getBoundingSphere() );

  // add the light to the BranchGroup
  bg.addChild( light );

  * Create some Background geometry to use as
  * a backdrop for the application. Here we create
  * a Sphere that will enclose the entire scene and
  * apply a texture image onto the inside of the Sphere
  * to serve as a graphical backdrop for the scene.
 public BranchGroup createBackground()
  // create a parent BranchGroup for the Background
  BranchGroup backgroundGroup = new BranchGroup();

  // create a new Background node
  Background back = new Background();

  // set the range of influence of the background
  back.setApplicationBounds( getBoundingSphere() );

  // create a BranchGroup that will hold
  // our Sphere geometry
  BranchGroup bgGeometry = new BranchGroup();

  // create an appearance for the Sphere
  Appearance app = new Appearance();

  // load a texture image using the Java 3D texture loader
  Texture tex = new TextureLoader( "c:/1/lipkal.jpg", this).getTexture();

  // apply the texture to the Appearance
  app.setTexture( tex );

  // create the Sphere geometry with radius 1.0.
  // we tell the Sphere to generate texture coordinates
  // to enable the texture image to be rendered
  // and because we are *inside* the Sphere we have to generate
  // Normal coordinates inwards or the Sphere will not be visible.
  Sphere sphere = new Sphere( 1.0f,
              Primitive.GENERATE_TEXTURE_COORDS |

              Primitive.GENERATE_NORMALS_INWARD, app );

  // start wiring everything together,

  // add the Sphere to its parent BranchGroup.

  bgGeometry.addChild( sphere );

  // assign the BranchGroup to the Background as geometry.

  back.setGeometry( bgGeometry );

  // add the Background node to its parent BranchGroup.

  backgroundGroup.addChild( back );

  return backgroundGroup;



  * Create a behavior to move child nodes along the X-axis.

  * The behavior is added to the BranchGroup bg, whereas

  * any nodes added to the returned TransformGroup will be

  * effected by the behavior.


 public TransformGroup createBehaviors( BranchGroup bg )


  // create a TransformGroup.


  // A TransformGroup is a Group node (can have children)

  // and contains a Transform3D member.


  // The Transform3D member contains a 4x4 transformation matrix

  // that is applied during rendering to all the TransformGroup's

  // child nodes. The 4x4 matrix can describe:

  // scaling, translation and rotation in one neat package!

  // enable the TRANSFORM_WRITE capability so that

  // our behavior code can modify it at runtime.

  TransformGroup objTrans = new TransformGroup();


  // create a new Transform3D that will describe

  // the direction we want to move.

  Transform3D xAxis = new Transform3D();

  // create an Alpha object.

  // The Alpha object describes a function against time.

  // The Alpha will output a value that ranges between 0 and 1

  // using the time parameters (in milliseconds).

  Alpha xAlpha = new Alpha( -1,

             Alpha.DECREASING_ENABLE |









                   4000 );

  // create a PositionInterpolator.

  // The PositionInterpolator will modify the translation components

  // of a TransformGroup's Transform3D (objTrans) based on the output

  // from the Alpha. In this case the movement will range from

  // -0.8 along the X-axis with Alpha=0 to X=0.8 when Alpha=1.

  PositionInterpolator posInt = new PositionInterpolator(  xAlpha,


                 xAxis, -0.8f, 0.8f );

  // set the range of influence of the PositionInterpolator

  posInt.setSchedulingBounds( getBoundingSphere() );

  // wire the PositionInterpolator into its parent

  // TransformGroup. Just like rendering nodes behaviors

  // must be added to the scenegraph.

  objTrans.addChild( posInt );

  // add the TransformGroup to its parent BranchGroup

  bg.addChild( objTrans );

  // we return the TransformGroup with the

  // behavior attached so that we can add nodes to it

  // (which will be effected by the PositionInterpolator).

  return objTrans;



  * Return a BoundingSphere that describes the

  * volume of the scene.


 BoundingSphere getBoundingSphere()


  return new BoundingSphere( new Point3d(0.0,0.0,0.0), 200.0 );



  * main entry point for the Application.


 public static void main(String[] args)


  A simpleTest = new A();



Chodzi? Tylko zmień sobie teksturę na jakąś Twoją grafikę.

Another jam from the world for the jam from the voices of the world......
  • Rejestracja:ponad 17 lat
  • Ostatnio:ponad 2 lata

Zaciekawił mnie temat - kiedyś chciałem tym się pobawić ale czasu brak.
Ok ten Twój przykład z tutoriala tez rudzy tylko z tego Canvas3D wywal nulla bo widać nie ma jakiś domyślnych graficznych:

GraphicsConfiguration config = SimpleUniverse.getPreferredConfiguration();.
Canvas3D canvas3D = new Canvas3D(config);
a w importach dodaj
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;

W sumie fajne to...tylko teraz ja mam pytanie-czy ta technologia jest rozwijana?

Fajny link znalazłem:

Dużo przykładów. Zgłebie to...mam nadzieje że jak ktoś kto już ma jakieś doświadczenie w tym tez mi pomoze jak się jakieś pytania po drodze pojawia. pzdr

PS: A ten ant to do budowania przykładów by mieć jednego jara(przykładów ze strony J3D).

Another jam from the world for the jam from the voices of the world......
  • Rejestracja:ponad 16 lat
  • Ostatnio:6 miesięcy
  • Postów:167

podobno słabo jest rozwijane.
Ja mam w swojej pracy dyplomowej stworzyć aplikację w 3d i po chwilowej analizie rynku stwierdziłem, że użyje JOGL zamiast tegotj. biblioteki pozwalającej korzystać z OpenGLa z poziomu javy. Przede wszystkim dlatego, że OpenGL jest znacznie szerzej rozpowszechniony a użycie tego w javie niewiele różni się od użycia w c, tak więc dużo łatwiej o dokumentację itp.

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