O ile się nie mylę to kod który wstawiłem odpowiada co coś innego niż mi się wcześniej wydawało. Poniżej wstawiam cały kod, czy mógłby ktoś tak przerobić go aby kolejne wartości były wstawiane do pól z odpowiednim opóźnieniem?
const ignoredIds = ['g-recaptcha-response', 'number_v', 'order_billing_address_3'];
export default class CheckoutService {
static processFields(inputs, settings) {
const successes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i += 1) {
const success = this.processField(inputs[i], settings);
if (!success) {
console.info(`Unknown field id : ${inputs[i].id}`);
this.cleanup(inputs, settings);
return successes.every(x => x === true);
static processField(input, settings) {
const id = input.id;
if (ignoredIds.indexOf(id) !== -1) {
return true;
if (typeof (settings[id]) !== 'undefined') {
this.setInputValue(input, settings[id]);
return true;
return this.processUnknownField(input, settings);
static setInputValue(input, value, dispatchEvent=true) {
if (value === undefined) return input;
input.value = value;
if (dispatchEvent) {
input.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
return input;
static processUnknownField(input, settings) {
const splittedName = settings['order_billing_name'].split(' ');
if (input.name === 'credit_card[last_name]') {
this.setInputValue(input, splittedName[0]);
return true;
if (input.name === 'credit_card[first_name]') {
this.setInputValue(input, splittedName[1]);
return true;
if (input.name === 'order[billing_name]') {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['order_billing_name']);
return true;
if (input.name === 'order[email]') {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['order_email']);
return true;
if (input.name === 'order[tel]') {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['order_tel']);
return true;
if (input.name === 'order[billing_address]') {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['bo']);
return true;
if (input.name === 'order[billing_address_2]') {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['oba3']);
return true;
if (input.name === 'order[billing_city]') {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['order_billing_city']);
return true;
if (input.name === 'order[billing_zip]') {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['order_billing_zip']);
return true;
if (input.name === 'order[billing_state]') {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['order_billing_state']);
return true;
if (input.name === 'order[billing_country]') {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['order_billing_country']);
return true;
if (input.name === 'credit_card[type]') {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['credit_card_type']);
return true;
if (input.name === 'credit_card[month]') {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['credit_card_month']);
return true;
if (input.name === 'credit_card[year]') {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['credit_card_year']);
return true;
if (input.name === 'credit_card[nlb]' || input.name === 'credit_card[cnb]') {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['cnb']);
return true;
if (input.name === 'credit_card[rvv]' || input.name === 'credit_card[vval]') {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['vval']);
return true;
return this.processByLabel(input, settings);
static processByLabel(input, settings) {
let parent = input.parentNode;
let label = parent.getElementsByTagName('label')[0] || parent.querySelector('.sr-label');
if (!label) {
const children = parent.childNodes;
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i += 1) {
const hasClass = [...children[i].classList].filter(x => x.toLowerCase().indexOf('label') !== -1).length > 0;
if (hasClass) {
label = children[i];
if (!label) return false;
const text = label.innerText;
if (!text) {
const inArray = function(txt, arr) {
return arr.map(x => x.toLowerCase()).indexOf(txt.toLowerCase()) !== -1;
const hasText = arr => inArray(text, arr);
if (hasText(['nom', 'name', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'nom', 'prenom'])) {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['order_billing_name']);
return true;
if (hasText(['email'])) {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['order_email']);
return true;
if (hasText(['tel', 'phone', 'phone number'])) {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['order_tel']);
return true;
if (hasText(['address', 'adresse', 'addresse'])) {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['bo']);
return true;
if (hasText(['address 2'])) {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['oba3']);
return true;
if (hasText(['city', 'ville'])) {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['order_billing_city']);
return true;
if (hasText(['zip', 'code postal', 'codepostal', 'code_postal', 'postal code', 'postalcode'])) {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['order_billing_zip']);
return true;
if (hasText(['country', 'pays'])) {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['order_billing_country']);
return true;
if (hasText(['state', 'état', 'etat', 'province'])) {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['order_billing_state']);
return true;
if (hasText(['type', 'type de carte', 'credit card type])) {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['credit_card_type']);
return true;
if (hasText(['numéro', 'number', 'numero'])) {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['cnb']);
return true;
if (hasText(['exp. date', 'exp date', 'expiry date', 'date d’exp.', 'date d\'exp.', 'date d\'expiration'])) {
if (input.type === 'select-one') {
const isMonth = input.options && input.options[0] && input.options[0].value[0] === '0';
this.setInputValue(input, settings[isMonth ? 'credit_card_month' : 'credit_card_year']);
return true;
if (hasText(['CVV''])) {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['vval']);
return true;
return this.processByName(input, settings);
static processByName(input, settings) {
if (Object.keys(settings).indexOf(input.name) !== -1) {
this.setInputValue(input, settings[input.name]);
return true;
return this.processByParent(input, settings);
static processByParent(input, settings) {
const parent = input.parentNode;
if (!parent) {
return false;
const classList = [...parent.classList];
if (classList.indexOf('credit_card_verification_value') !== -1) {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['vval']);
return true;
if (classList.indexOf('credit_card_number') !== -1) {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['cnb']);
return true;
// probably a card detail input
if(parent.parentNode && parent.parentNode.id === 'card_details') {
// either month/year of expiry date
if (input.type === 'select-one') {
const isMonth = input.options && input.options[0] && input.options[0].value[0] === '0';
this.setInputValue(input, settings[isMonth ? 'credit_card_month' : 'credit_card_year']);
return true;
// probably cvv
if (input.attributes['maxlength']) {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['vval']);
return true;
// otherwise its probably cc number
this.setInputValue(input, settings['cnb']);
static cleanup(inputs, settings) {
const input = document.getElementById('order_billing_state') || document.querySelector('[name="order[billing_state]"]');
if (input) {
this.setInputValue(input, settings['order_billing_state'], false);
return true;
const stateLabel = document.querySelector('#state_label');
if (stateLabel && stateLabel.parentNode) {
const stateSelect = stateLabel.parentNode.querySelector('select');
if (stateLabel) {
this.setInputValue(stateSelect, settings['order_billing_state'], false);
return true;
const stateInputParent = document.querySelector('.order_billing_state');
if (stateInputParent) {
const selector = stateInputParent.querySelector('select');
if (selector) {
this.setInputValue(selector, settings['order_billing_state'], false);
return true;
return false;
while (true);
i patrz jak świat płonie.while (true);
nie powodowałoby zablokowania wykonywania kodu. A skoro powoduje, oznacza to, żewhile (true);
wykonuje się synchronicznie.event loop