System plików - co to za błędy?


Przy prostym stworzeniu i wywołaniu

QFileSystemModel model;
model.setRootPath( ":/" );

dostaję masę takich błędów

05.01 09:52:36.968 [1] TRACE OverlayModule process attach05.01 09:52:36.968 [1] TRACE LnkUtils Module: D:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Pulpit\atom system - release 1.0\build-atom-Desktop_Qt_5_1_1_MinGW_32bit-Debug\debug\atom.exe05.01 09:52:36.984 [1] TRACE LnkUtils Lnk dir: D:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Pulpit05.01 09:52:36.984 [1] TRACE OverlayModule registering in proxy05.01 09:52:37.281 [1] DEBUG DaemonClient starting thread05.01 09:52:37.296 [2] DEBUG DaemonClient service init05.01 09:52:37.296 [2] INFO DaemonClient connecting to hub05.01 09:52:37.375 [2] DEBUG HubInfo hub.ini was not found05.01 09:52:37.375 [2] INFO DaemonClient waiting for reconnect05.01 09:52:37.625 [1] DEBUG DaemonClient getDaemonInfo updating cache05.01 09:52:37.625 [1] WARN DaemonClient waitForSessionReady timeouted05.01 09:52:37.625 [1] WARN DaemonClient getDaemonInfo updating failed05.01 09:52:37.625 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 1: OUT 15 D:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Pulpit\atom system - release 1.0\build-atom-Desktop_Qt_5_1_1_MinGW_32bit-Debug05.01 09:52:37.625 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 2: OUT 11 D:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Pulpit\atom system - release 1.0\build-atom-Desktop_Qt_5_1_1_MinGW_32bit-Debug05.01 09:52:37.625 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 4: OUT 11 D:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Pulpit\atom system - release 1.0\build-atom-Desktop_Qt_5_1_1_MinGW_32bit-Debug05.01 09:52:37.625 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 3: OUT 11 D:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Pulpit\atom system - release 1.0\build-atom-Desktop_Qt_5_1_1_MinGW_32bit-Debug05.01 09:52:37.640 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 1: OUT 11 D:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Pulpit\atom system - release 1.0\build-atom-Desktop_Qt_5_1_1_MinGW_32bit-Debug05.01 09:52:37.640 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 2: OUT 11 D:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Pulpit\atom system - release 1.0\build-atom-Desktop_Qt_5_1_1_MinGW_32bit-Debug05.01 09:52:37.640 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 4: OUT 11 D:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Pulpit\atom system - release 1.0\build-atom-Desktop_Qt_5_1_1_MinGW_32bit-Debug05.01 09:52:37.640 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 3: OUT 11 D:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Pulpit\atom system - release 1.0\build-atom-Desktop_Qt_5_1_1_MinGW_32bit-Debug05.01 09:52:39.062 [1] TRACE OverlayModule process

czy ktoś wie o co w tym chodzi?

  1. gdzie je dostajesz
  2. to wygląda na debugowe śmieci, których nie będzie w wersji Release.

AD 1 Po załadowaniu aplikacji w oknie "komunikaty aplikacji", pojawiają się również w wersji release

EdiscNodeState 1: OUT 11 C:\Filmy05.01 12:54:49.515 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 2: OUT 11 C:\Filmy05.01 12:54:49.546 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 4: OUT 11 C:\Filmy05.01 12:54:49.546 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 3: OUT 11 C:\Filmy05.01 12:54:49.546 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 1: OUT 11 C:\GFX.log05.01 12:54:49.546 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 2: OUT 11 C:\GFX.log05.01 12:54:49.546 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 4: OUT 11 C:\GFX.log05.01 12:54:49.546 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 3: OUT 11 C:\GFX.log05.01 12:54:49.578 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 1: OUT 11 C:\GFX.log05.01 12:54:49.578 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 2: OUT 11 C:\GFX.log05.01 12:54:49.578 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 4: OUT 11 C:\GFX.log05.01 12:54:49.578 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 3: OUT 11 C:\GFX.log05.01 12:54:49.578 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 1: OUT 11 C:\Gry05.01 12:54:49.578 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 2: OUT 11 C:\Gry05.01 12:54:49.609 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 4: OUT 11 C:\Gry05.01 12:54:49.609 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 3: OUT 11 C:\Gry05.01 12:54:49.609 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 1: OUT 11 C:\IO.SYS05.01 12:54:49.640 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 2: OUT 11 C:\IO.SYS05.01 12:54:49.640 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 4: OUT 11 C:\IO.SYS05.01 12:54:49.671 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 3: OUT 11 C:\IO.SYS05.01 12:54:49.671 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 1: OUT 11 C:\IO.SYS05.01 12:54:49.671 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 2: OUT 11 C:\IO.SYS05.01 12:54:49.671 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 4: OUT 11 C:\IO.SYS05.01 12:54:49.671 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 3: OUT 11 C:\IO.SYS05.01 12:54:49.671 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 1: OUT 11 C:\main05.01 12:54:49.703 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 2: OUT 11 C:\main05.01 12:54:49.703 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 4: OUT 11 C:\main05.01 12:54:49.703 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 3: OUT 11 C:\main05.01 12:54:49.734 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 1: OUT 11 C:\MSOCache05.01 12:54:49.734 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 2: OUT 11 C:\MSOCache05.01 12:54:49.765 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 4: OUT 11 C:\MSOCache05.01 12:54:49.765 [1] TRACE NodeState EdiscNodeState 3: OUT 11 C:\MSOCache05.01 12:54:49.765 [1] TRACE NodeState

dodam że wcześniej już używałem tej klasy i nigdy nie miałem podobnych problemów a teraz każdy nowo utworzony projekt produkuje takie oto wyjście.



Miałem podobne komunikaty przy otwieraniu okna QFileDialog. Też zaczęło się to dziać po jakimś czasie. Po dłuższym dochodzeniu odkryłem, że winowajcą jest Gadu Gadu 11. Jego usunięcie nawet nie pomogło tylko musiałem usunąć z katalogu użytkownika AppData\GG\Roaming. Ten cały edisc, który widzisz w konsoli można wygoglać - jest to jakiś moduł związany z uwierzytelnianiem.

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