Problem z walidacją JPK_PKPIR


Wysyłam na adres wygenerowany JPK_PKPIR

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<JPK xmlns="" xmlns:etd="">
    <KodFormularza kodSystemowy="JPK_PKPIR (2)" wersjaSchemy="1-0">JPK_PKPIR</KodFormularza>
      <nrLokalu />
  <PKPIRWiersz typ="G">
    <K_4>Jan Nowak</K_4>
    <K_5>Nowa 18, 63-100 Miasto</K_5>
    <K_6>Czesne - styczeń 2022</K_6>

Dostaje błąd

    "Message": "Przesłany plik jest niezgodny ze schematem xsd",
    "Code": 140,
    "RequestId": "a8ce1df1dd2d0f4a",
    "Errors": ["Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the attribute 'kodSystemowy'.", "Could not find schema information for the attribute 'wersjaSchemy'.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the attribute 'typ'.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''.", "Could not find schema information for the element ''."]

Co robie źle?

  1. A nie chodzi o to, że powołujesz się jedną schemę, a trzeba kilka (około 3-6) ?

takie domniemanie, zupełnie "nieoficjalnie" ...

  1. Daje mi do myślenia - równie niezobowiązująco - że używasz tagów kwalifikowanych jak <etd:NIP>, a resztę "płaskich"

Masz nieprawidłową przestrzeń nazw: w przykładzie jest (prawidłowo) xmlns="", a u Ciebie xmlns="".

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