Pasek do m$ IE


<font color="darkblue">Jak zrobić swój pasek do m$ IE??

Może ma ktoś jakiś kod źródłowy... [stuk]

Chiałbym zrobić program liczący czas spędzony w necie, a nie ma chyba lepszego miejsca na umieszczenie wyświetlacza niż na pasku przeglądarki... [???]</span>


Napisz kontrolke ActiveX, wszystko jest w MSDN tylko nie po Polsku :( Ja nie umiem robić więc Ci nie pomoge.


przykłady są na stronie

jednakze język angielski i C++ :)


Napisz kontrolke ActiveX, wszystko jest w MSDN tylko nie po Polsku :(

<font color="darkblue">Z tego względu wysłałem list do siedziby m$ w USA (nie po Polsku i paczcie co mi odpowiedzieli :-P )</span>

<font color="blue">Sebo</span>
<font color="red">micro$oft</span>

<font color="blue">Subject: How to make msIE tollbar??
Comment: I am trying to make program that will count time which I am online brosing internet. I don't think that there is better place to show that time than on msIE (my web broser) toolbar, but I dont know how to make such. I would like you to send me some surorce code of such tulbar (I hope that toolbar eg. with single labell or button wont make any problem)</span>

<font color="red">Hello,
I am forwarding a request from the customer. This customer's issue
was received at Microsoft in the United States and would be better addresssed by your local Microsoft subsidiary. Please respond to the customer directly.
Thank you for your assistance in resolving this issue.

I have forwarded your request to the appropriate team for assistance. For faster resolution with your issue, please make note of the following:

If you are using a version of Windows that you obtained outside of North America, your best option is to work with a your local subsidiary in Poland.

There are significant differences in programming between North American and localized versions of our software and you will be best assisted by the subsidiary that specializes in your specific version.

If you have difficulties submitting an issue for a North American version of our product, please include the following information:

  • Your Full Name:
  • Phone Number: (optional) ? in case we need to reach you
  • Problem Description:
  • Product Identification Number (PID) for Windows.

-Product Identification Number (PID). For assistance locating your PID, go to

Thank you for using Microsoft products and services,

Szanowny Panie,
Pana wiadomość została przekazana do polskiego oddziału Microsoft.

Sprawa zgłoszona w Pana wiadomości e-mail wykracza poza zakres informacji udzielanych przez Biuro Pomocy Technicznej Microsoft. W związku z tym, niestety, nie możemy jej rozstrzygnąć.

Nie prowadzimy wsparcia dla problemów programistycznych

Z poważaniem,
Krzysztof Paciejewski</span>

<font color="blue">My name:Sebastian Sawicki (but I am requesting form my highshool where
I am administrating computers in the Library).
Problem:How to make msIE tollbar?? (in *.dll)
I am trying to make program that will count time which I am online
brosing internet. I don't think that there is better place to show that
time than on msIE (my web broser) toolbar, but I dont know how to make
such. I would like you to send me some surorce code of such tulbar (I
hope that toolbar eg. with single labell or button wont make any
problem). I don't thing that diferences in programing betwen language
versions of your software make any diferences to me. I'm using english
(from USA) download menager that adds its toolbar to msIE and it works
corectly. I would like my software to work on other langyage versions
of Windows as well as on the Polish one (in the age of global internet
it is just nesesary).
My shools Windows PID:xxxxx-OEM-xxxxxxx-xxxxx</span>

<font color="red">Hello Sebastian,
Thank you for contacting Microsoft Customer Service.

I understand that you want the code to program a timer for internet access. I understand the importance and look forward to providing you with assistance.

To explore these options, please go to our Developer Support Web site at

Here you will find many resources valuable to developers. These resources include detailed product documentation, Newsgroups, code samples, and downloads.

You may work directly with a Microsoft Support Professional by clicking the Incident Submission button located in the menu list on the left side of the page. Select the type of support you prefer. To determine if you are eligible for our Standard No-Charge support, click the "here" link.

You may also contact technical support by calling (800) 936-5800. This number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In addition to our assisted support services, Microsoft provides additional no-charge self help resources, which are also listed on the left side of the page.
If you have difficulty locating resources on the MSDN site, you may access an overview of what is offered by referring to the MSDN site map:

Sebastian, I hope that the support options I have provided you regarding code to program a timer in internet access is helpful. If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, please reply to this message. Have a nice day.

Thank you for using Microsoft products and services,

<font color="blue">No. I don't need code to program counting time when I am online. Counting time doesn't make any problem for me but I have problems because i don't know how to show that (counted by my program) time on msIE toolbar. I just don't know how to make any msIE toolbar (in *.dll). I don't think that there is better place to show that time than on my web broser toolbar. And that is why I am looking everywere for source code of any toolbar for msIE that works corectly. I were also searching in MSDN but what I have found was how to make your web site adding its own toolbar to msIE browser (I woud like to build *.dll that contains toolbar).</span>

<font color="darkblue">Ciąg dalszy nastąpi... Jeśli mi odpowiedzą :-P </span>


Sebo ty to masz cierpliwość :-D Ale numer. Nie wiem, czy nie szybciej będzie jak taką prośbę złożysz do Google (oni mają taki pasek) lub np. SpeedBit (DAP też dodaje swoje). Ew. zgłoś to na codecentral u Borlanda. Zwykle trzeba troszkę poczekać, zanim się odpowiedź pojawi, ale zwykle jakaś jest. Ja niestety nic ci nie mogę pomóc, bo nigdy czegoś takiego nie robiłem i szczerze mówiąc nie interesuje mnie taki problem. Ale jeżeli coś przy okazji znajdę to na pewno dam znać.


chyba wiem czym to sie skończy tym ze jak chcesz taką info to musisz odnich kupic SDK, albo wykupic tą usługe, kiedys chcicałem info na temat błędu to tak samo było :( goscie umieją ludzi spławiac i tyle


<font color="darkblue">Ciąg dalszy nastąpił:</span>

<font color="red">Hello Sebastian,
Thank you for contacting Microsoft Customer Service.

Please be advised that the e-mail alias you have sent your message to is monitored by Customer Service Representatives who do not offer technical support. We are able to assist you with web site navigation, general non-technical product information, and information regarding our product support structure.

To explore these options, please go to our Developer Support Web site at

Here you will find many resources valuable to developers. These resources include detailed product documentation, Newsgroups, code samples, and downloads.

You may work directly with a Microsoft Support Professional by clicking the Incident Submission button located in the menu list on the left side of the page. Select the type of support you prefer. To determine if you are eligible for our Standard No-Charge support, click the "here" link.

You may also contact technical support by calling (800) 936-5800. This number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In addition to our assisted support services, Microsoft provides additional no-charge self help resources, which are also listed on the left side of the page.

If you have difficulty locating resources on the MSDN site, you may access an overview of what is offered by referring to the MSDN site map:

Sebastian, I hope that the support information I have provided you regarding your issue with to show the time in the Internet Explorer toolbar is helpful. If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, please reply to this message. Have a nice day.

Thank you for using Microsoft products and services,

"Build Customer Trust And Value By Providing A Quality Experience The First Time, Every Time."
Delighting our customers is our top priority. We welcome your comments and suggestions about how we can improve the Service we provide to you.
Please e-mail us at</span>

<font color="darkblue">I zastanawiam się trochę co im teraz napisać (bo nie chcĘ znowu się powtażać tak jak ONI)...
Przecież pisałem im już że patrzyłem w MSDN i że nic tam nie znalazłem!! [stuk] [glowa] </span>



Przeciez nawet ja Ci napisalem, że masz szukać tego w MSDN, bo ja to tam znalazłem jakbyś nie wiedział. Nie odsyłałbym Ciebie do czegoś, gdzie nie mógłbyś nic znaleźć.


Przeciez nawet ja Ci napisalem, że masz szukać tego w MSDN, bo ja to tam znalazłem jakbyś nie wiedział. Nie odsyłałbym Ciebie do czegoś, gdzie nie mógłbyś nic znaleźć.

<font color="darkblue">Treaz znalazłem, ale przedtem nie mogłem
dzięki B-| </span>

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