Serwisy na win2003

  // Windows 2003 Server requires StartServiceCtrlDispatcher to be
  // called before CoRegisterClassObject, which can be called indirectly
  // by Application.Initialize. TServiceApplication.DelayInitialize allows
  // Application.Initialize to be called from TService.Main (after
  // StartServiceCtrlDispatcher has been called).
  // Delayed initialization of the Application object may affect
  // events which then occur prior to initialization, such as
  // TService.OnCreate. It is only recommended if the ServiceApplication
  // registers a class object with OLE and is intended for use with
  // Windows 2003 Server.
  // Application.DelayInitialize := True;

Dodalem to

Application.DelayInitialize := True;

i serwis nie dziala poprawnie na 2003 a na XP tak. Coz zrobic ?


może coś więcej o samym serwisie i co znaczy nie działa poprawnie

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